Bridget's Dream

BBHi, I'm Bridget

I am an avid Cyclist and have always been into competitive sport.
Over the years I have enjoyed the usual benefits of well-being and fitness…

This was until I discovered a lump in my breast in Feb 2023 & was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  Although my prognosis was excellent, the 11 months of intense treatment put my life into a Raw Roller Coaster of grief, and a complete change of lifestyle & perspective. 

 We've all seen the Chemotherapy patient on TV & imagine the worst, but whilst the last year has been incredibly challenging for me, I Bridgets Dream - Giro 2024somehow was able to work my life around it. I managed to continue to exercise, including riding my bike, throughout treatment and whilst  I clearly had to wind it right back, spending a lot more time indoors, I reduced the volume and intensity, really focussing on rest and recovery.  

My passion for living my best life & my 'new view' has really heightened my thirst for adventure & no regrets attitude.  Hence I been slowly but surely building myself back to the Cyclist that I once was and can't wait to tackle a cycling adventure of fun, socialising and breathtaking pinch yourself moments of 'wow I'm really doing this!?'

Over the summer my aim was to return to 100km rides which I have surpassed by hitting the 133km mark, with 2150m of ascent, at the end of February.

My next test is the Snowy’s Classic on the 24th of March which is a hilly 170km challenge with 2830m of climbing in the NSW Snowy Mountains.

With this, I have decided that it is time I chase my first dream of seeing the Giro d’Italia – I want to climb those same passes that the pro’s do, I want to see the immense beauty of the Alps, the striking rock formations of the Dolomites. I want to eat that food and drink that wine…. It is time and I am ready for the challenge.

The incredible people at Maglia Nera Cycling Tours have stepped up to support me, with their staff donating 10 days of their time to make my dream come alive.

We are looking for people to join me on this trip
hence please spread the word - this will be one epic adventure.

You can read more details here:

Maglia Nera Cycling Tours have also pledged to donate the entire profits
from the tour to The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF).

We would love to raise more money leading up to and along the way, hence any additional donations would be gratefully received. 
Without the research NBCF does people like me & many other incredible men & women, would never have the opportunity to back enjoying life again, as we are today!

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It's always been a dream of mine to have an overseas cycling holiday, to thoroughly relish the climbs and truly take in breathtaking vista’s – a combination of senses so many have experienced whilst riding in Europe.  

So, I'm getting active and setting myself a challenge to raise money for NBCF and world-class breast cancer research whilst testing myself on the terrain the pro’s do!

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia’s leading national body funding game-changing breast cancer research with money raised entirely by the Australian public.

I believe research is the best way to prevent deaths, and improve how breast cancer is diagnosed, managed, and treated. 

CLICK HERE  to see my personal NBCF Fundraising PageBridgets Dream - Giro 2024

Click 'Donate' to make a secure online donation and help me reach my goal. Every donation, big or small, will help me get there. Please donate today.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a tax-deductible receipt via email as soon as you make your donation.

Thank you so much for your support!

Love Bridget xxx


  • Australia: +61 (0)404 679 146
  • Italia: +39 329 929 6560
  • E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    PO Box 207,
    Freshwater NSW 2096
    ABN: 73 623 773 884