
Catalonia or Catalunya is located on the northeast Iberian coast, bordering with Andorra and France. To be honest you could spend more time thinking about where you can't ride than where you can ride. This is one of Spain's cycling meccas. You aren't really a true cyclist if you don't know Girona, one of the better modern day hangout for many pro's and ex-pro's.

Whether you challenge youself in the Pyrenees, cruise along the rolling hills of Girona, Vic, Sort and Sabadell or coast along the Costa Brava, this region has both superb riding coupled with food and wine to keep you riding for years!

"“I would sooner be a foreigner in Spain than in most countries.
How easy it is to make friends in Spain!”"

George Orwell
(Homage to Catalonia)

Interesting Facts

UCI World Tour Race run over 7 days, traditionally finishing in Barcelona. First held in 1911, it is the fourth-oldest still-existing cycling stage race in the world (the TdF, Giro and Tour of Belgium being older). Started by Miquel Arteman, editor of the Barcelona-based sports newspaper El Mundo Deportivo at the time. The last three winners being Richie Porte in 2015, Nairo Quintana in 2016 and Alessandro Valverde in 2017.
The records show the late Michele Scarponi as the winner for 2011, but only because being stripped of his win after his positive doping test in the 2010 Tour de France.
Legend say's that going back to the year 2000, when the French were passing increasingly strict anti-doping laws, several riders of the US Postal fled the hills of the French Riviera and make their way to a more relaxed Spain. Yes we are speaking of  Lance Armstrong, George Hincapie, Tyler Hamilton,  Levi Leipheimer, Jonathan Vaughters, Tom Danielson, and Floyd Landis who all made the city of Girona their home. They also brought in Spanish doctors Pedro Celaya and Luis García Del Moral! Those days are well over and the rubbish bins are free of syringes, but as much as they did hurt the sport, they established Girona as a base for English speaking cyclists.
No one will ever forget the 1984 UCI Road World Championships, held in Barcelona on the 1st Septmeber.
Why is it so unforgettable?
Well only one race was held, that being the Men's Road Race with the following results:
  • Gold: Claude Criquielion (BEL),
  • Silver: Claudio Corti (ITA) and
  • Bronze: Steve Bauer (CAN).
Of course Belgium winning the overall medal tally!
The reason for only one race, was the fact that the Los Angeles Olympics were being held the same year

Ride Catalan

Fabulous part of the world to ride a bike. You can sneak into the more southern areas or Costa Brava as early as March/April and as late as October/November . Closer to the Pyrenees, you may be best to wait until May/June.

Speak Catalan

Nice Bike: Bici agradable
Bike Pump: Bomba de bicicletes
Good coffee: Bon cafè
Ride with me: Passeig amb mi
Good road?: bon camí?
Are you single?: ets solter?
Ola: Ola!

Eat Catalan

Pa amb tomàquet
Suquet de peix
Mongetes amb botifarra

Drink Catalan

Raventos i Blanc L’Hereu
Celler Lafou Els Amelers
Binigrau Nounat
Joan d’Anguera Planella
Terroir al Limit Dits del Terra
Torres Grans Muralles
Marques del Norte Cava Bru
Catalan Foos

Traditional Dishes

Cafe Culture

Cafe' Culture Dreaming

Catalan Wines

Catalan's Best Wines

"Thanks to Yvette and Alberto for an amazing time in Catalonia.
The riding in Girona, into the Pyrenees and even a suprise visit to Andorra were just beautiful. The food, wine and accommodation were superb.
Looking forward to conquering the rest of the Pyrenees into France!
P.S. Thanks for the great tickets to the football in Barcelona!"

Steve and Laura


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