Sardinia and Corsica

Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, it is mainly mountainous, without high peaks, vast and charming whilst the sea reigns, with its magical colors that migrate into the coves, along the coasts, towards the beaches with snow white sand.

Corsica is termed the 'Mountain of the Mediterranean', full of Dante-esque rock formations, cliffs, and lakes alternating with vast, rolling plateaus. In the heart you will discover nature-filled setting of villages with robust stone houses.

These neighbouring islands found west of Italy are separated by a short ferry ride, hence they come together offering superb riding conditions with fabulous climbs and spectacular ocean side delights.

“It was a very Corsican wine and you could dilute it by half with water and still receive its message.”
Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast

Main Attractions

Val d'Ese 1,609m
Col de Vergio 1,478m
Col de Bavella 1,240m
The Emerald Coast (Sardinia)
Cap Corse (Corsica)
Monte Cinto (Corsica)
Palau (Sardinia)
Corte (Corsica)
Bonifacio (Corsica)


A great mix of cruisy coastal rides, rolling hills and challenging climbs (especially in Corsica). These islands offer a good variation of terrain and plenty of options.
These islands are best ridden in April, May, June, September and October (avoid July and August due to summer holidays!)
The weather is consistent on both islands and you can even get a swim in May!

Famous Events

Giro d' Italia: The 100th Edition started in Alghero with 3 stages held on the island in 2017

Tour de France: the 100th Edition started in Corsica, with 3 stages held on the island in 2013


Sardinia is believed to be one of the most ancient land masses in Italy, going back to the Cambrian period some 570 million years ago. With the coming and going of the periods of glaciation, the island of Sardinia had at times a land link to the rest of Italy

Corsica is best know as the birthplace Napoléon Bonapart and became First Consul of the French Republic in 1797, but neglects it. It then spends the next 100 years being occupied by the British, Italian, French and German...


The official language of Corsica is French, though you will find that many speak Corsican (Corsu) which is very similar to Italian.

'Corsican (corsu or lingua corsa) is a Romance language within the Italo-Dalmatian subfamily. It is closely related to the Italian language and especially to its Tuscan branch. It is spoken and written on the islands of Corsica (France) and northern Sardinia (Italy)' Source: Wikipedia
Breakfast on beach

Dawn breaks on a perfect day


Unique coastal towns built on cliffs

Italian Food Art

Italian Food Art at its best

"Never would I have guessed it was possible to add perfect beaches with perfect mountains to cycle.
This has been one amazing adventure, I will be back with the family"

David S.


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